The Importance of Biosecurity in Poultry Houses
With the implementation of a proper biosecurity program, in addition to highly effective treatment, red mite infestations can be controlled. Proper control programs have two steps – prevention and treatment. Prevent red mite infestations through biosecurity and hygiene measurement. Should an infestation occur, treat the birds and clean the poultry houses.
Biosecurity Risk Factors
Many factors contribute to the introduction and spread of poultry red mites, but with the implementation of proper biosecurity measures, red mite infestations can be controlled.

Audit Checklist
To avoid the detrimental effects of a red mite infestation, conduct a farm biosecurity audit. The checklist evaluates protocol measures for various situations, including:
- Environment
- Equipment
- Reared hens
- Removal of cadavers
- Visitors and personnel control

See the financial impact of red mites.
The average overall infestation rate of European layer houses is 83 percent.
These infestations damage the productivity of birds and operations with
annual industry losses in the millions.